
How Scrum has affected my development

At first, scrum didn’t really affect me at all, but that was mostly because I didn’t really “do it” properly. I kept working like I had done in the past, that is, postpone things as much as possible until I only had a day (or in worst case, hours) to finish all of the tasks I had agreed to finish by the weeks end. This is obviously not a very good way of working, not for yourself but especially not for your team.

Being able to iterate and re-iterate is a crucial part of any decently sized project, especially one with a relatively short deadline and even more so when designing games. I started noticing as the weeks went by that I kept having unfinished tasks. This made me feel bad, of course, cause I obviously wasn’t contributing as much as my other team members. That was when I decided to change the way I work.

This last week I’ve worked a bit every day, and not only has it been my most productive week so far, it has also been the week in which I feel like I’ve produced the best assets. Working little by little on things no only greatly reduces how stressed you feel and how big your tasks for the sprint seem, it also let’s you consult your team members about what to do as soon as you have a question and then you can fix or add things on the spot. An example of this was when I was working on the sprite for an enemy’s attack and it was unclear whether it was a projectile or not so I asked them, got clarification, and proceeded.

Our group has been really good at attending daily stand-ups and meetings in general and we’ve had plenty of design meetings, which have helped us all to have a unified vision of where our game is heading. Sprint plannings and reviews help give a clear understanding of where you are and where to go next, while daily stand-ups help to keep track of where everyone is currently and if they need any help to move forward.

Overall, I think scrum has helped me get work done, as well as improve the quality and flow of said work.

3 thoughts on “How Scrum has affected my development”

  1. Hello there Isak! It is good to see that you feel like you have improved your work ethics! I know all too well about the trap that is procrastination, I have been there before and still am, to an extent.

    Your post highlights the most important part of scrum, which would be the communication and re-iteration aspect. I do feel however, that you could have gone more in depth on how you and your group handle meetings were you discuss how an asset, or assets, should look and/or function.
    It would be interesting to read how you have motivated yourself to work in these short intervalls everyday as well. It could motivate others who are having the same struggles as you have had, and maybe they will finally brake free from the bonds of the dreadful procrastination curse.

    Thank you for the great post and I hope you will continue with this upwards trend that you are currently on!


  2. Hey!
    Good thing to hear it seems like you’re moving towards a better workflow. I think a lot of motivation and self discipline is needed to work hard without anyone being there watching over you. I really like how you said you’re able to consult the team members if something is up, I think that’s a big part of doing work on a daily basis.

    Although, as I think is mentioned in the comment above as well, I would love to know how you were able to go from doing everything last minute into working a little every day. Was it just a decision you made while waking up one morning or was it something you gradually shifted into?

    Otherwise I don’t have much. The blog clearly communicated what you wanted to say and I hope that you find a way to manage to keep working in this less stress inducive way. Good luck these last two weeks!


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